Monday 26 October 2015

Putting the U in Christ


1Peter 2:9

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people,[c] in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.


My study bible uses this verse as a jumping off point to talk about "the priesthood of all believers." Here's what it has to say:

"This is a key concept for Martin Luther and other reformers, who insist that all Christians are priests or God's messengers. Proclaiming God's mighty acts is not a job reserved for only a few people. God calls all believers - no matter what their vocation or standing - to share the gospel and serve their neighbours so that others come to know Christ."
(Lutheran Study Bible, Augsburg Fortress, 2008.)

One of the main themes of 1 Peter is that the faithful are "living stones" meant to be fitted together to form a "spiritual house".

Together these two ideas beg the questions:

1) "How am I responding to the call to be a priest (one with access
to God who works to help others access God too) ?"

2) "How sturdy will this house be, if a bunch of us stones fail to
perform the task we have been laid in place for?"


Surely there are loads of ways I can lean further into the privilege of being a part of the priesthood of all believers. That said progress doesn't usually come from a desire to to better or more in general. Today, it has been placed before me that I can do a better job of asking people to pray for me and asking them if I might pray for them in some specific way.


Lord, thanks for guiding me back to the life-giving disciplines of abiding in You! Continue the work you have begun in me and bring it to completion in the fulness of your time. Grant that all along the way I might become bolder, and bolder still to share this faith you have given me through word and action. Amen.

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