(excerpted from free indeed: devotions for Lent 2017, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis)
The Lord's Prayer - Conclusion:
[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.] Amen.
What is this? or What does this mean?
That I should be certain that such petitions are acceptable to and hard by our Father in heaven, for he himself commanded us to pray like this and has promised to hear us. "Amen, amen" means "Yes, yes, it is going to come about just like this."
To Ponder:
Because you are the one in charge, and you have all the power, and the glory is all yours forever - which is just the way we want it!
- Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy
Power Talk:
In many Hispanic Lutheran churches, folks stand up and share how God has answered the prayers of the faithful during the week through the healing of an illness, a life rescued from the ravages of addiction, and so on. As they speak of the power of God over their lives and how their prayers were answered, folks in the congregation chime in, like an echo, with their agreement. All of this proclaims that God knows us and is in control of our lives. God hears and answers our prayers. God has all the power in the world and all glory and honour belong to the Holy One.
Jesus ushers in the reign of God with his life. He gives us a dynamic witness of the power of God over sin, death, and all evil. Because of this, we too have a power story to tell. That is why we say, "Amen!"
O Lord, may the power talk of my life honour your holy name. Amen.
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