Saturday, 18 March 2017

Lenten Devotion - March 18th

(excerpted from free indeed: devotions for Lent 2017, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis)

The Third Article:

What does this mean? (continued)

Daily in this Christian church the Holy Spirit abundantly forgives all sins - mine and those of all believers.  On the last day the Holy Spirit will raise me and all the dead and will give to me and all believers in Christ eternal life.  This is most certainly true.

To Ponder:

Be faithful to the task of making justice and peace flourish; 
opt for God's cause and the law of love.

 - Ada Maria Isasi - Diaz, "Mujeristas: A Name of Our Own!!"

Freed to work for justice and peace:

The Holy Spirit is constantly nudging us to live into the forgiveness of our sins.  We move from focusing on ourselves and never believing we have enough to being open to the world around us and believing God's promise of abundance.  We act in ways that are freeing and seek out opportunities to serve and give and love.  We are empowered to co-create and transform present-day realities.  We are freed from sin to live in ways that promote justice and peace so that all may experience the love of God.  This is not just a "here after hope."  We pray that heaven on earth comes today, not tomorrow.

This way of thinking and being isn't possible without the Holy Spirit reminding us again and again of our purpose.  Listen.  Pay attention.  Follow.  The Spirit will lead you to a place where all flourish.

God, you ask us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.  Help us to follow your Holy Spirit so that we may create your beloved kingdom here on earth.  Amen.

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