Sunday, 19 March 2017

Lenten Devotion - March 19th

(excerpted from free indeed: devotions for Lent 2017, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis)

The Lord's Prayer:  Introduction

Our Father in heaven.

What is this? or What does this mean?

With these words God wants to attract us, so that we come to believe he is truly our Father and we are truly his children, in order that we may ask him boldly and with complete confidence, just as loving children ask their loving father.

To Ponder:

This is my Father's world;
I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
his hands the wonders wrought.
 - Maltbie D. Babcock, "This Is My Father's World"

Deeply Loved:

The hymn, "This Is My Father's World" praises God and reminds us that we are a part of the creation.  God is the ruler of the universe, of sea and sky and of all the living creatures of the world.  And yet, God know us personally and intimately; and, as the hymn says, speaks to us everywhere.  Everywhere.

We are deeply loved and cared for by God.  Because of this, we can approach the Father in heaven as a small child who trusts her parents for every good thing, for food and clothing, and for special care when she is ill or troubled.  Each of us can boldly ask God, who fashioned all of creation, for what we need.


Just as Jesus called his daddy, "Abba," so do I call you, "Papa."  Speak to me this day through the beauty of your creation.  Amen.

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