Monday, 14 December 2015

Seeing Through God's Eyes


1 Samuel 16:7
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”


In this passage, the LORD is correcting his prophet, Samuel, with respect to the selection of the one to be anointed king over Israel in Saul's place. Having seen David's oldest brother, Eliab, and noticing that he was tall and strong, Samuel thinks he looks like kingly material. However, the LORD is less impressed by Eliab's physical stature and more concerned about quality of character and the depth of his faith.

This passage makes me wonder about Samuel's process of discernment.
Did Samuel hear audible corrections from God?
Did Samuel know another discipline whereby he could test competing leadings or feelings within himself in order to determine the will of the LORD?
Do you and I know and practise skills for discerning when and where God is correcting and coaching us?

However it occurred, 1 Samuel16 tells the story of how David - the youngest and least outwardly impressive of Jesse's eight sons - came to be chosen by God to lead and to serve the people of God as their earthly king. Though not a perfect person, David came to be celebrated as the greatest king in the history of Israel because he learned to occupy himself less with appearing to be strong or competent in the eyes of others and more with aligning his heart to the Divine Heart. Thus, David came to be known by God as,
"A man after my own heart." (1 Samuel 13, Acts 13)


Today I take a step back to reflect on my actions, priorities and behaviours. As I do this, I am asking what motivations or considerations are rooting these actions, priorities and behaviours? At the most basic level, am I working to impress others with the appearance of my achievements and activities; or, am I propelled forward by seeking after God's heart of gracious justice?

Lately, I've been realizing that the way in which I draw boundaries around my work needs some attention. The pattern I have developed served well for a time. It helped me learn to draw some healthy boundaries between rest and work - between abiding in holy, playful relationships and bearing fruit in the world through the active use of my God given gifts. However, today that same pattern seems to have me more focussed on the hours I am putting in as opposed to the quality and anticipated outcomes of that work. Where I stand today, an hour spent filing or answering email is the same as an hour spent leading a bible study or preparing for worship. It seems the outward appearances of work have become more important than the heart of the matter. So, I am looking for a new way to set daily, long, and short term goals that focuses me more on the quality of the work being done than the quantity.

I wonder if you have any ideas? And, I wonder where the Lord is coaxing you to make a change in the interest of putting the things God is most concerned about first in your rest, work and play?

Prayer:      (John of the Cross)

O blessed Jesus, give me stillness of soul in You.
Let Your mighty calmness reign in me.
Rule me, O King of Gentleness, King of Peace.


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