Friday, 21 August 2015

Uncomfortable Discipleship


Jeremiah 18:4-6
4 The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me: 6 Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.


I am in God's hands. Sometimes that feels great. Other times it is uncomfortable and inconvenient.

I have seen massage therapists in the past for a variety of reasons. At the spa, for a relaxing day of renewal, the hands of the masseur are so comforting and gentle. But, when you are working on rehabbing and recovering from a muscular-skeletal injury, their treatments can be agonizing.

In a similar way, God's hands upon me are gentle, comforting and restorative at times - especially when I am so fragile that it is all I can endure. Yet, God is no genie in a bottle who's only purpose is to comfort me and grant my wishes. God is God and I am not. As such, God sees fit to challenge and correct me towards often unseen purposes.  

The process is difficult, even painful at times. It might even 

seem abusive if it were not for the deep and abiding trust 

built up through being held in God's gentle and gracious 

hands through some of the most difficult and painful 

moments of my life.


In parenting, as in pastoring; in discipling as in community organizing, those we teach and lead cannot reach their potential without some discomfort. If we are to coach well we must sometimes bring difficult correction or critique. However, those we lead will not follow long if we are only ever slapping their wrists and breaking them down. In the quest to lead well, I can never underestimate the reservoir of gracious presence and encouragement that must be built up and maintained if those who would follow me are to be able to receive and integrate the painful challenge required to reach their potential.


Put me in Coach! I am ready. I haven't got here on my own. I know there is a risk I will fail. When I do, I know you won't call it anything other than what it is - failure. But, I also know that you will never write me off because of a failure. All the time and love you have invested in me till now makes me sure of that! Thanks coach! amen.

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