Galatians 3:27-2827 As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28 is a favourite verse of mine, one that blows the doors off potential sources of division, separation, judgement, exclusion and the like. But, it is always important to read around favourite verses that get bumper-sticker-ized. Every time I look a little wider I am surprised and challenged by what I find.In this case, one doesn't have to go far to find a challenge. Reading verse 28 in light of verse 27 makes it obvious that the eradication of divisiveness based around differences is not (yet) a cosmic or even an earthly reality. This promise (and challenge) belongs to "as many of you as were baptized..."; which is to say, belongs to the church.
As Paul puts it, the church is necessarily (though always imperfectly) inclusive. However, some would take that to mean that the church must be inclusive to everyone who might ever like to visit, or stop by mid-week seeking help or council. While it is true that the church must always look beyond itself if it is to partake seriously of the mission it (we) are called to, mission is different than inclusion.
Being in mission to those who are "other" to us requires that
we demonstrate a radical regard for their fundamental worth
as human beings; but, that does not automatically mean that
the church must change in order to "include" those who are
not yet part of her (and may not even desire to be).
Isaiah 2 envisions the mission of the city of God attracting
others to it, not because its doors are open to all without
placing any demand or challenge upon them. Rather, the
prophet envisions people from all corners of creation
streaming to the city on a hill because they are attracted to its
light, its justice, its peace, ... it's peculiarity or otherness.
When I am dealing with folks who don't belong to our church, (or, often, any church) I always try to present myself as accepting and non-judgemental. But, too often that slides into an overly passive state where I feel like I fail to really demonstrate what it is that is so different and attractive to me about Christianity. Maybe that is because I am overly focussed on Christianity as an institution or a method of spirituality. It seems to me that as we journey together to re-discover what radical discipleship is - as we learn to be followers of Christ Jesus rather than members of his fan club or loyalty rewards club - I am growing ever bolder to share what I have found to be Good News! Today (and now tomorrow) I'm going to look for the opportunities God sends my way to do just that.Prayer:
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.Grant me grace to see "all those who have received baptism" as equal in your sight. Grant me resolve never to confuse shallow acceptance with unconditional love. Grant me wisdom to discern when and how to mix and calibrate invitation and challenge. Amen.
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