Sunday, 11 December 2016

A Hope-Peace-Joy-Love Story

Long ago, in a kingdom less far away than you might think, a call went out across the land:

Rejoice!  For the long waited return of the Crown Prince has come.  By the order of the Great King, all suitable women of marrying age are invited to gather for inspection in anticipation of a wedding, the likes of which no one has ever seen.  The Crown Prince will choose his Princess-to-be from among his own people.  Rejoice! The promises of a new, golden age are about to be realized.

When Joy heard the news it was a Saturday morning, laundry day.  It literally took her breath away…the news, not the laundry.

Now the news was awesome enough on its own account; but, what caught her breath was the very unusual dream she had received just the night before.

It was still fresh in her mind all these hours later because her beloved Grandmother had returned to bring her a message.  Joy had dearly loved Gran in life and missed her greatly in the seven long years since her death, so she clung to the old woman’s words with a tenacious hope. 

“My child, an unlikely invitation is soon to come your way.  It will both frighten and excite you, but you must not be afraid.  Answer this call.  All will be well with you.”  And with that, she had gone as quickly as she had appeared.

Joy Esperanza De La Paz.  She certainly possessed a name worthy of a princess.  Unfortunately, her best quality, her lovely heart was kept well hidden under layers of frumpy clothes and mountains of work in the form of the laundry and mending and cooking and cleaning that she did for all the neighbors in order to supplement her family’s modest income.  Yes, in the eyes of most, Joy’s regal qualities began and ended with her name.  “Such a shame,” she often thought to herself during despairing moments, “for such a beautiful and consequential name to have been wasted on me.”  Yet, Joy treasured her name, it had been a gift given to her by her Gran after all.  And that is why, despite all the nagging thoughts and insecurities that assured her she was going to make a fool of herself, that Saturday afternoon Joy set aside the unfinished laundry, packed up a few modest provisions and set off.

“Where do you think you are going!?!”  The question stopped Joy in her tracks.  It wasn’t the power of the question that caused her hesitation for by now she had heard those words from many folk ranging from her own mother to those neighbors for whom she worked, to the cruel children in the school yard she had passed on the way to the Court where those who dreamed of becoming the Princess were to gather.  No, the question itself, though the mocking tones in which it had been asked again and again surely stung, the question itself held no power over Joy.  But this man!  This character standing guard with his keen eye at the entrance to the court, he was surely a sight to behold.  He was taller than any man she had every seen and his wild hair and crazy clothing almost distracted her enough to miss noticing his deeply scarred face.  Almost.  And then, there was the half-eaten locust stuck in his unkempt beard.

“I asked you a question, girl!” snarled the man.

Joy stammered back, “Sir, I have come for my audience with the Crown Prince.  I mean no disrespect.  I have come at the urging of my dear Gran.  Please let me in.  I promise, I will stand in the back, well out of everyone’s way.  I don’t ask to be but last in line.”

“Oh, stop your sniveling!”  said The tall man, squinting at her.
“You are filthy, aren’t you!   You will need a bath before you are allowed to stand amongst these noble women.”

“Yes sir,” nodded Joy, well aware she had no place to bathe let alone different clothes to  change into afterward.

“Hold out your hands!” he sniffed again.  “Ack, look at this!  Your hands are cracked and peeling.  You’ve the skin of a snake!  Not to mention that your color is off.”
He took a step back and looked Joy up and down.  “Hmm, you try to hide it with your clothes, but you’re carrying some extra weight around the hips too, eh?”

Joy looked at the ground, tears had begun to run down her cheeks and she was ashamed for him to see her cry.  Then, taking a deep breath, she clung to the words of her Gran and spoke up, “Yes.  I have many shortcomings.  Even more than you have been so kind to point out for me.  Of these I am well aware.  Nevertheless, I have come a long way for my chance for an audience with the Crown Prince.  I intend to enter the court now.  Will you deny me, sir?

Her words appeared to have taken him by surprise, he took half a step backwards before he caught himself and rose to his full, awful height.  Then, placing a hand on Joy’s shoulder he said, “My, my, you’ve got a Spirit about you!  No, I’ll not deny your entrance.  But, neither will I allow you to go inside in such a state.  Come with me.  I’ll have my people run you a bath, set out some fresh clothes and provide you with a bite to eat.

At this, Joy surprised even herself, for she lept up and kissed the man on the cheek before he could protest or protect himself.

Later that evening, Joy slipped into the court to stand in the back.  She didn’t see anyone she knew, not that anyone would have recognized her.  The man’s servants had treated her to pampering the likes of which she had never experienced.  Now, standing in the midst of nobility, she did not look too out of place.  True, the dress the tall man had given her was not as fine as those of the other ladies, but it was in colour such a pure white that it seemed to Joy that she shone.  She felt taller. Clasping her gloved hands, Joy wished that Gran could have seen this.

Just then, the Tall Man marched to the center of the room, plucked the locust from his beard and sucked the remaining juice from it before casting aside the carcass.  Then, in a voice approaching a growl he addressed the assembled hopefuls.  “My name is Jean-Mattheo, Man-at-Arms to his Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.  I have been sent ahead of his grace to prepare his way and to save everyone a lot of trouble.  Look at you!  Aren’t you a sorry lot of soft-living, debutants.  Each of you thinks she has it in her to become Princess to his Grace.  But you are sorely mistaken.  His standards are high and he makes no exceptions.  And yet, gathered here we have a bunch of self-important gossips trying to pass themselves off as future royalty.  Hah!  You make me sick, the lot of you.  I gagged on the stench of hypocrisy even as I neared this room.  I had hoped to find at least a handful of potential matches for my Prince among you.  Alas, where I hoped to find wheat, I see only chaff, fit for the burning pile.  …” 

The tall Man paused a long time.  Casting about the room with his withering stare in the silence.  It was enough to cause most of the young women gathered to shrink out the back door.  But, a few remained, determined to meet their Prince.

“Ah, I see that only the truly virtuous and worthy remain!  Prepare yourselves, the Crown Prince will see you now, one at a time.”

The line moved much more quickly then Joy had anticipated.  Jean-Mattheo’s act had certainly thinned out the crowd, but those that remained had passed, one-by-one, into the inner court at an alarming rate.  Before she knew it, Joy found her turn had come.  She walked nervously forward, towards a plain-looking servant in the middle of the room.  His humble clothing and gentle eyes gave her so much relief that she drew up beside him.

“Pardon me, but, you don’t mind if I pause with you a moment do you?  I am a simple soul who finds her self in a very odd situation, and I could use to catch my breath before I meet his Grace.”

The man simply nodded to her.  Then, after a long moment, he said, “I like your dress.”
“Thank you.  Would you believe it is made of camel hair?”
“Hmm, that would explain the smell,” he giggled. 
“Actually, I’m afraid that’s me.  I’ve always had a nervous stomach, and wild honey doesn’t seem to agree with me.”
“Ha!  I see that Jean-Mattheo has taken a shine to you. … What is your name?”
“Joy Esperanza De La Paz.”
“Well, Joy Esperanza De La Paz, you are stunning!  And you must have a fine character to have gotten past Jean-Mattheo.  I think you have nothing to worry about.  So, are you ready to meet the Crown Prince?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she gulped.

And with that, the servant took a step closer and extended a rough hand holding it in front of her, waiting for Joy to take it.  A long moment passed.  Slowly, Joy’s eyes began to widen.  She fumbled into her best attempt at a curtsy.   “Your Majesty!  Please forgive my ignorance.  I didn’t…”

He stopped her, “My lady, you’ll have to forgive the roughness of my appearance.  The King thought it best for my preparation for the throne that I spend several years training at a manual trade.  I have always loved making things with my hands, so I chose masonry.”

And with that, he drew nearer still and took up her hand in his.  Smiling into her soul with his Hazel eyes Joy almost lost herself in a swoon.  She only barely regained her wits in time to realize that he was taking a step towards her.  Then, mortified she felt all of her doubts and worries, strong from years of abuse and mistakes, crashing back in on her.  At that moment all she could think to do was to step back in horror.  Struggling to maintain her distance, she began to turn to run away.  For a moment, things went according to plan.  Indeed, her feet fled, taking her with them.  But to her amazement, The Prince’s feet followed.  In perfect, measured, time their feet stepped.  1-2-3.  And before she could catch her breath his strong arms shaped her fleeing and they stepped some more, 1-2-3.  They were dancing.  Incredible!  For what seemed like an eternity, they danced.  Hand-in-hand.  1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3.

Joy’s heart swelled and her mind reeled as she began to imagine their “Happily Ever After”.  But, as she did, her eyes dared to wander up his neck and across his cheek to meet his eyes once more.  And then, it happened.  Somehow, as they closed position, her shoe caught the hem of her gown.  She heard a heart-sickening rip as her world and her body tumbled to the ground.

It took a moment for Joy to realize that she had neither fallen to the ground nor caused her fair partner to fall.  Rather, the Prince had, by some miracle of gracefulness, managed to catch her and keep her intact.  Her dress however, did not fare so well.  To her mounting horror, Joy realized that they now lay in an elegant pool around her ankles.
Ashamed, she first thought she would die, but as the awkwardness wore on, she began to wish she had.  Then, just as quickly as her world had fallen to pieces, the Prince mended it for her.  Looking deep into her eyes, he stood her up, turned her round, and placed a kind hand on her cheek.  “Joy Esperanza De La Paz, I love you, as you are!  Your heart is good and strong, though it is filled with some foolish thoughts.  And, I can tell from your hands that you are not afraid to work hard.  Joy, I would be honored to have you working beside me to better the Kingdom as my Princess.”  And with that, he gestured for a new and properly fitted gown for his beloved.  And they danced well into the night.

Finally, as dawn began to break on the horizon, the Prince stopped, and embracing Joy apologized.  “My time with you is over for now, my love.  I must return to our King to make preparations for our wedding feast.  I may be away for a long time.  Wait for me!  Watch and Hope for me.  I will return.  My love for you is your guarantee.  In the meantime, practice the dances I have taught you this night.  And, when you stumble, as you will from time to time.  Get up, turn around, and…”

“And what?”  Joy asked, straining her ears and eyes as her Prince began to withdraw from her sight.  His merry reply came to her through the night air and gave her such hope, “Why, dance on, my love.  Dance On!”  … 

To be continued…  


Author's Note:  This story is my attempt to pay homage to some of the themes interwoven throughout the Old Testament and Gospel passages assigned in the revised common lectionary for year A.  It started out as an attempt to write a "princess story" that I'd be happy to read to my daughter.  The trope of "princess story" is fraught with peril at the best of times, I acknowledge that may be compounded by being written by a middle-aged dude.  On the balance, I like more about the story in its present state than I'd like to change.  Still, there are elements that leave me wondering whether it is my lack of skill, dull imagination, or simply that the trope itself is corrupt beyond redemption.  I invite your honest criticism.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Fear Not! [Part Two]


Luke 1:26-3826 Now in the sixth month [of Elizabeth’s pregnancy] the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin [h]betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, a descendant of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And coming to her, the angel said, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 29 But she was greatly perplexed at what he said, and kept carefully considering what kind of greeting this was. 30 The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 Listen carefully: you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. 32 He will be great and eminent and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.” 34 Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin and have no intimacy with any man?” 35 Then the angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you [like a cloud]; for that reason the holy (pure, sinless) Child shall be called the Son of God. 36 And listen, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. 37 For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.” 38 Then Mary said, “[i]Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel left her.


"Do not be afraid!" This powerful gospel-imperative is preceded, immersed, and proceeded by proclamation.

Before Mary can begin to be afraid, Gabriel greets her with the news, "The Lord is with you."

God's presence manifests in reality-transforming activity, "For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible."

God's presence with and activity for Mary begets her willing participation in something beautiful if not painless, for she will not only bear Our Savior but the after-birth of salvation for all of creation. "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word."


Of late, I have been struggling somewhat with the magnitude of my role as pastor of the faith community I serve. Some days it seems the work is too great. Most days it seems that I am just too small.

I have an emergent sense of what is possible for us. I have identified several directions in which we might travel faithfully. Still, I am wary of moving us forward because I don't know how to get us moving towards a destination I can only vaguely make out.

Can you identify with these feelings of being called to embark upon a journey with no definite destination in sight? Do you find yourself dragging your heals and hedging your bets? In your case, delaying might be practiced prudence. As for me, I have been afraid.

Mary must have been tempted to fearfulness too, otherwise why would Gabriel speak those words? Human beings must be pretty pre-disposed to fear, otherwise why would scripture bid us, "fear not" with such great regularity?

Still, Mary found a way through fear to faithfulness and joy even in the midst of hardship. For her, God's active, playful presence was key. And, you know what? God's word for her is God's word for us.
Even though none of us will be called to physically birth Christ Jesus, each of us is called to bear the light of Christ into the dark corners of our families, neighbourhoods and offices.

Fear not, God-bearer! The Lord has found favour with you and is working to deliver you even as you are called and equipped to bring forth redemptive love and justice into the world. Seriously, God is with you, so anything is possible.

Prayer: (From Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 2006)

O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown Give us faith to out with good courage, not knowing where we go, 
but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fear Not! [Part 1]


Luke 1:5-13 [AMP]
5 In the days of Herod [the Great], king of Judea, there was a certain priest whose name was Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was a descendant of Aaron [the first high priest of Israel], and her name was Elizabeth. 6 They both were righteous (approved) in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. 7 But they were childless, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both far advanced in years.

8 Now it happened while Zacharias was serving as priest before God in the appointed order of his priestly division, 9 as was the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense [on the altar of incense]. 10 And all the congregation was praying outside [in the court of the temple] at the hour of the incense offering. 11 And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. 12 When Zacharias saw the angel, he was troubled and overcome with fear. 13 But the angel said to him, Do not be afraid, Zacharias, because your petition [in prayer] was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John.


What does Zacharias have to be afraid of?

He is from a respectable family line. He has married well. He is living life full of faith. Luke even goes out of his way to tell us that both Zacharias and Elizabeth "were righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord." ... BUT ...

But, they were childless and advanced in years.

Now, its possible that Zacharias was overcome with fear at the overwhelming glory of Gabriel. A person does not need to be guilt stricken or possessed of unworthiness in order to be painfully aware of their own smallness and fragility in the face of something eminently awesome. Try standing on a cliff-side lookout or next to an elephant with frisky feet: you'll see!

Today I'm struck by another possibility. Did you know that the phrase "Do not be afraid" 

(along with other analogous terms such as "Fear not") appears throughout scripture one hundred eleven times?

Of those occurrences, about ninety follow the pattern of individuals or groups receiving encouragement from the Divine assurance (either through direct revelation; or, more frequently, through a messenger) that God is present with them, active for them and calling them to respond in trust.

So, what if Zacharias is not afraid of the awesome otherness of God that radiates in righteous judgement from Gabriel? What if the source of his troubled spirit is that, seeing this messenger of God, he actually anticipates the message: 
"I am with you! I am acting for you! Come and join me!"?
What if the source of his fear is the prospect of God delivering 
a disruptive blessing into their tolerably dissatisfactory lives?


I usually hear the imperative: "Be not afraid, for I am with you!" as a call to courage. But, what if it is less an injunction to bravely summon my own resolve in order to endure a scary situation, and more an invitation to look beyond myself 
(my composure, my plans, my actions ...) to God who is faithful and reliably active in bringing about the thriving of my 
(and of all) life.

As I get older, and failures are added to defeats, I am aware of my own flagging "youthful enthusiasm". I am more and more tempted to look around and accept the notion that the best I can expect is this "world-as-it-is". ... But ...

...The Gospel - while never minimizing or despising the "world-as-it-is", God's Good News For All is always more focussed upon the "world-as-it-shall-be". 

Where there is emptiness --> fulfillment.
Where there is barrenness --> fecundity.
Where there is loneliness --> community.
Where there is shame --> restoration.
Where there is disease --> wholeness.
Where there is hunger --> feasting.
Where there is injustice --> right relations.
Where there is shrivelling death --> abundant life.

Let me be the first to confess, I don't know how we're gonna get there. There is a lot of corruption and hurt all around us. I'd be afraid to take the lead. 
Thanks be to God, neither you nor I have to. 
That position has been filled indefinitely by Christ Jesus.


Lord, when I look to the world: heartache. God, when I look to myself: fearful despair. 
Father, when I look to you: hope. Jesus, lead the way. Amen.

Monday, 6 June 2016



Psalm 73:12
Behold, these are the ungodly,

Who always prosper and are at ease [in the world]; they have increased in wealth.

Numbers 24:1-2
When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go as he had done each time before [superstitiously] to seek omens and signs [in the natural world], but he set his face toward the wilderness (desert). 2 And Balaam raised his eyes and he saw Israel living in their tents tribe by tribe; and the Spirit of God came on him.


The first part of Psalm 73 really convicted me this morning. Those that live in constant and increasing prosperity and ease are equated in no uncertain terms with the "ungodly".

If I'm honest, "constant and increasing prosperity and ease" actually describes me and my family fairly accurately. 
am especially aware of this given the recent realities in Alberta where many are homeless and starting over from scratch because of savage wildfires. Many more still are either without work or working on reduced schedules because of very low world oil prices and the crisis they have created in our economy - which has become dependant upon the export of natural resources.

My spouse and I both enjoy meaningful and fulfilling paid work.
Our work is not likely to be threatened or interupted by any natural or economic disaster.  

We may live in a modest house, but it would not be considered modest in about 70% of communities around the world.  
We don't own a timeshare or a holiday property, but we are planning multiple international holidays this year alone. 
Every person in our household has more clothes than they can actually wear.
We worry more about extra pounds from too much rich food than we ever will about where our next meal might come from. And, for us dining out is a regular activity as opposed to a very special treat.

So, are we "ungodly" in our privilege and relative ease?
My mind races to justify and excuse us...

we volunteer...we tithe...we try to live within our means...

But, I also make note of houses that are bigger and nicer than mine. 
I spend a lot on inessential luxuries. 
My daily coffee money is more than many around the globe have to live on each day.

So, are we "ungodly"
Truth be told, I'm afraid to answer that.

But, I'm not sure a quick answer is what God is after here either.  
I feel God drawing alongside me, freely pouring out grace to put away my excuses, jealousies and greed long enough to remember what - or, rather WHO - is genuine.

Isn't that just like God: show up and spend time with the ungodly!?! open and fulfill and redeem us with not-4-sale grace!?!


Today, I hear God saying, loud and clear,
"Take a long hard look at your lifestyle and be brutally honest about the obvious and hidden costs of maintaining it."
What does the ecological footprint of my family look like?  (click here for more information and a cool calculator)

How might I better "love my neighbour as myself"?

Amidst, this call towards a searching moral inventory, emboldened by grace, Balaam's blessing grabs me and shakes me awake.  Where is Israel when they receive this blessing - the pronounced favour of God; but, tenting in the desert? 
They are no longer enslaved. They are not yet established. They are free to wander and learning to follow the lead of the LORD who hems them in, going out before them and protecting their flank.

Perhaps there is here a vital metaphor for us 
as we seek to be the body of Christ in this period 
of great change, upset and possibility.
What do you think? 
Might we be transitioning from an epoch of established Temple worship 
to an age of liberated Tabernacle roaming?

I thank you LORD, that I can never be finally accounted as ungodly, 
because you refuse to let it be so. 
Your parenting love is wondrous. 
Now, grant me grace to run toward your invitation 
into a life ever-more-worthy of your incredible love for all your creation. Amen.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Pondering Blankets and Solar Panels

just us?

How you gonna protest your way
into a new day?

Lemme show ya a new way.

Lemme show ya a suff'rin

He's gonna call ya by name
and train ya!
Break your will 
and the bank to pay it all
to save y'all.

And us.

All of us.


Not a few or just enough.


Just.  All.  All y'all and all of us.

Grace most magnanimous.

that's Divine justice.

(, reforming, redeeming...) WORD.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Selah: Pause and Ponder with Purpose.

"All artists love what they give birth to - parents love their children; poets love their poems; craftspeople love their handiwork.  
How then could God hate a single thing since God is the artist of every thing? 
... God is an artist and the universe is God's work of art.  
All natural things are produced by divine art and can rightly be called God's works of art."
                                                                                                              --Thomas Aquinas


4 All the earth worships you; 

they sing praises to you,
sing praises to your name.” 


5 Come and see what God has done:
he is awesome in his deeds among mortals.
6 He turned the sea into dry land;
they passed through the river on foot.
There we rejoiced in him,
7 who rules by his might forever,
whose eyes keep watch on the nations—
let the rebellious not exalt themselves. 


No one really knows exactly what "selah" means. The word in its original language is difficult to translate literally or in a way that is definitive.  

That said, a lot can be inferred from the context in which it occurs within scripture

(71 times in the Psalms and a three more times in Habakukk).

You can read a bit more on it here:

The upshot, is that the word Selah always underlines a statement of important (yet illusive) truth.
Selah is a rubric that invites us to "pause and ponder;and, pondering be transformed".

Two times in this short passage we are invited to "pause and ponder with purpose".

In general, this discipline of stopping to make room for reflection and discernment is important.

This passage invites us specifically to ponder upon the paradoxical statements:

1) All the earth worships (G-D)

2) There are some who are at least tempted to rebel against this good and orderly direction by choosing to exalt not G-D but themselves.


Today is a day for pondering with purpose.

What does it mean for me, that 
"all the earth worships God, singing God's praises"?

Is this a prompt affirmation of the original blessing that dwells within the goodness of all creation?

Is this an invitation to engage others who do not share the external trappings of my particular religion as fellow worshippers of the One, Living God?

I shall pause. I shall ponder with purpose.

Who is the warning to avoid self-exaltation aimed at?
Is it the godless, the heathen, who fails to repent and believe who is here put on notice?

Could it be that it is the rebel in me - the one who would be so bold as to distinguish between the god forsaken and the genuine chosen ones of G-D?

I shall pause, I shall ponder with purpose.

Lord, You alone are worthy of my trust, my faith, my hope, my praise. Selah.
Grant me grace to pause and ponder with purpose. Amen.

Monday, 25 April 2016

"...Restless, Distraugt, and Distracted..."

Psalm 55:1-855 Listen to my prayer, O God,And do not hide Yourself from my plea.2 Listen to me and answer me;I am restless and distraught in my complaint and distracted3 Because of the voice of the enemy,Because of the pressure of the wicked;For they bring down trouble on me,And in anger they persecute me.4 My heart is in anguish within me,And the terrors of death have fallen upon me.5 Fear and trembling have come upon me;Horror has overwhelmed me.6 And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!I would fly away and be at rest.7“I would wander far away,I would lodge in the [peace of the] wilderness. Selah.8 “I would hurry to my refuge [my tranquil shelter far away]From the stormy wind and from the tempest.”

It's the words "restless, distraught, and distracted" from verse 2 that stand out for me today.
Now, I'm not facing the kind of adversity that David sounds like he is facing. I don't feel actively persecuted or set upon. I have experienced such times, and in those times I have always been surprised and grateful to perceive God clearly with me, guarding my steps and preparing a path for me. Those times of great difficultly are not ones I long to repeat, but I will say this about them - they have been times that sharpened my focus upon what God was doing, cleared my vision to see the Divine direction beckoning and strengthened my resolve to do what I understood to be required of me.
By contrast, I find myself at present in a period of relative ease and comfort. My focus has drifted and I found myself now navigating through a thick fog of white-noise. I feel "restless, distraught, and distracted". Ironically, though I know God to have been present with me in times of struggle, I am finding it more tempting now in this time of relative ease to imagine that God is "hiding from my pleas".

I just came back from a time of holiday that was very renewing. The opportunity to rest was much appreciated and needed, but our family chose to do (or rather, not do) something that made the vacation all the richer. We turned off our cell phones and computers for the whole week.
(Well, that was the goal, at least. I'll admit we didn't completely adhere to it.  Imagine what might have happened if we had?)
The result was similar to the limited experience I have with snorkeling: The stiller I am, the less sand and silt is stirred up, and the more clearly I can see the miraculous evidence of God at work all around me.

In the midst of this Kairos, I hear God saying to me:Phil, you have my undivided attention. Phil, imagine what I could do with your undivided attention.
I'm still working on what God would have me do in response to this word of abundant grace.

What do you think?  
What helps you to deal with feelings of 
restlessness or distraction?  
What activities or social pressures make it difficult for you to focus on God's love and plan for us?


God, I believe you are here. I am coming to realize that many of my own choices are creating the cloud that make it difficult to see and hear You clearly. Jesus, be my centre. Calm my anxious brain. Hold my erratic heart. Grant me grace to be still and to exult in knowing that you are God. Amen.